Richmond School District - The Focus Is On Me
This project for the Richmond School District unfolded over the span of a school year and was meant to give a broad sampling of what kind of programs the district offers. At the same time, the district’s philosophy of “the focus is one me” was always at the forefront.

Client: Richmond School District
Campaign: The Focus Is On Me

This project for the Richmond School District unfolded over the span of a school year and was meant to give a broad sampling of what kind of programs the district offers. At the same time, the district’s philosophy of “the focus is one me” was always at the forefront.
The process began with our team collaborating with their staff to pinpoint important events for different programs. We had weekly communication with teachers from various schools to find times that worked in their busy schedules and equally important, times that worked for the kids.
Student talent can be a double-edged sword. It’s rewarding to see kids surprise you with a sense of spontaneity that isn’t always present in adults. Conversely, they can be shy, reserved, or sometimes just unable to fully articulate their ideas.
We took the approach of talking to them in a casual way, making our questions as conversational as possible. This is where our years of interview experience kicked in as we were able to get some incredible candid responses.
This organic approach may not work in every context but these real conversations are the kind of thing you can’t write.