BC Traceability Funding Programs

Client: PwC Canada
Campaign: BC Traceability Funding Programs

Filming outdoors always poses it’s fair share of unavoidable challenges but these are made doubly hard when dealing with unpredictable talent. And you know what? Animals are some of the most unpredictable talent out there.
As part of a series for British Columbia’s Traceability Funding program, we took a look at several agriculture, agri-food, and seafood companies in the province.
Through creating this particular project, we wanted to showcase the idyllic farm life on this small, family-run ranch. What we didn’t realize is we would be tripping over our shoelaces at every turn as the goats chewed away at them. Because we really had no control outside of herding the goats into the right general areas, our years of experience shooting events kicked into play. Finding the right shots in which we could anticipate where the animals would go was key to capturing some of our favourite shots from the shoot.